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**Doors open 45 minutes prior to each performance. Seating begins 45 minutes before show time and shows begin promptly at their listed time**

**Late arrivals**
Due to the intimate size of our theater, latecomers will be escorted to the most accessible seats at the most appropriate moment

**If you are aware of tardiness, please contact our front desk directly and we will do our best to accommodate you**

**For anyone that has purchased VIP or Preferred seating, we require your arrival no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the performance to be seated and begin your dining experience. Thank you for your cooperation and allowing us to create lasting memories.**

All sales are final.  There will be no refunds or exchanges. Please carefully review your order before completing your transaction.

Parties of 10+ must book tickets through guest services ( 

Can Can
95 Pine St
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 652-0832
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HOUSE OF HEARTS: Seattle's world class dinner theatre featuring the best of dance, cabaret, and burlesque - 2023

HOUSE OF HEARTS: Seattle's world class dinner theatre featuring the best of dance, cabaret, and burlesque - 2023
(JANUARY 12- MARCH 5) All peace is disrupted in the Land of Broken Hearts when Queen Astral’s daughter, Aurora, falls in love with the town fool, Puck, at the Broken Hearts Ball, the fastidious annual gathering where speaking or feeling love is forever banned and punishable by death. Luna tries to contain the peace and order by convincing the Queen to have mercy and a change of heart to reverse the archaic laws she once created that would subject her very own daughter to death. When the chaos unravels, will the love escape the grasp of the Queen’s tortured past and prevail to save her very own daughter? Your presence at the House of Hearts will reveal the answers to these curiosities and more.

95 Pine St. Seattle, WA 98101 | | 206.652.0832

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